Both have committed their indiscretions, as human beings are wont to do. 两人都有失慎重,此乃人之常情。
I profess, I have never seen the like since my days of vanity, in old King James's time, when I was wont to esteem it a high favour to be admitted to a court mask! 我敢说,自从我在老王詹姆斯时代荣获恩宠,时常被召进宫中参加假面舞会、大出风头的岁月以来,我还从来没见过这样的小家伙呢。
Are my purposes wont to be so shallow? 我的目标会如此浅薄吗?
Naturally, gas particles are not entirely wont to tell us about their travels. 当然,气体颗粒绝不会给我们讲述它们的旅行。
Nay, mother, I have told all I know, said Pearl, more seriously than she was wont to speak. 那我可不知道了,妈妈,我知道的全都说了,珠儿说道,那神情比平时说话要严肃认真得多。
She saw her own face, glowing with girlish beauty, and illuminating all the interior of the dusky mirror in which she had been wont to gaze at it. 她看到了自己少女时代的光彩动人的美貌,把她惯于映照的那面昏暗的镜子的整个镜心都照亮了。
Has the devious Beijing government been massaging the numbers, as communist planners are wont to do? 狡猾的北京政府篡改了数字吗?
The older, quieter cities were wont to look upon the bustling new town with the sensations of a hen which has hatched a duckling. 那些老一点、安静一点的城市,总是用孵出了一窝小鸭子的母鸡的感觉来看一个闹哄哄的新城市。
We were wont to meet at that pleasant spot. 我们总是在那游乐场见面。
The symbolism at ISE is perfect for a country that is wont to see itself as a nation apart, one that makes sense only in reference to itself. 伊势神宫的象征主义完美地代表了日本:一个习惯于认为自己与世隔绝的国家,一个在参照自己时才有意义的国家。
I am wont to think that I can read Homer. 那就是我。但是我感受到的荷马的诗篇。
She is wont to inquire, her head a little to one side, looking like an amiable cockatoo. 她习惯这么发问,头稍稍偏向一边,活像一只讨人喜欢的鹦鹉。
He was wont to give lengthy speeches. 他惯於做长篇大论的演说。
He was wont to say that children are lazy. 他常常说小孩子们懒惰。
British chancellors tiresomely wont to lecture finance ministers in mainland Europe about their superior policies. 英国的财政大臣也常常向欧洲大陆的财政部长们演讲他们的优越政策。
They were wont to take long walks in the evening. 他们惯常在傍晚作长距离散步。
"My, but you're a little beauty," drouet was wont to exclaim to her. “天哪,你真是个小美人!”杜洛埃喜欢常常对着她惊呼。
The previous City Council was wont to overspend. 上届市政会习惯于超支。
I wont to see my doctor yesterday about my leg. 昨天我请大夫看了我的腿。
The Mullah kept his eyes fixed on what she had cast into the stream, and in a little perceived that it was the very packet of leaves which he was wont to receive daily. 毛拉注视着她扔在河中的东西,很快就明白了这正是他惯常天天收到的叶子包儿。
He is wont to express himself rather forcefully on that subject. 他习惯在那个主题上强而有力地表达自己。
The Boss is wont to complaining over the slightest mistake. 老板习惯于对最小的错误发牢骚。
He was wont to lend money for Christian courtesy. 他惯于出于基督徒的礼数借钱给别人。
He had been wont to see similar things in the "Daily News," in Chicago, but they did not hold his attention. 在芝加哥时,他曾常常在《每日新闻》上看到类似的事情,但是没有引起过他的注意。
Faced with finely balanced dilemmas, some Americans are wont to ask: "what would Jesus do?" 面对处于微妙平衡状态的两难困境时,一些美国人习惯于问:“耶稣会怎么做?”
The two men spent much of the time at the reunion reminiscing about the war, as old soldiers are wont to do. 像老兵习惯做的那样,这两人将重逢的大部分时间都花在了对战争的回忆上。
Capital, like water, is wont to find the path of least resistance. 就像水一样,资金也习惯于找到阻力最小的路径。
Our minds should be sent forward in advance to meet all the problems, and we should consider, not what is wont to happen, but what can happen. 我们的思想应先行一步,去面对所有的问题。我们应该考虑的,不是什么事常会发生,而是什么事有可能发生。
I remember how in my youth the British caricaturists were wont to depict Japan as a smart, spruce, uniformed message-goy. 我记得在我年轻时,英国漫画家怎样习以为常地把日本描画为一个伶俐的、整洁的、穿着制服的送信男童。